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Prof Practice: Week 5. How to Be A Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul

Designers or brand-consults?

Promote themselves using sophisticated marketing and communication technics.

Designers imagine that coverage in the design press - an in-depth profile, or a casual mention - means instant success: they envision clients rushing to hire them after reading about them and seeing their work in the glossy pages of one of the sleek design zines. Alas, it is rarely like thins. Editors and journalists are constantly on the look out for fresh voices and new faces. You need to study the design press and decide which magazines and periodicals your work is most suited for.

A brand designer is very often a graphic designer as well. Graphic design is a broader category that includes illustration, design etc. The brand is based on strategy and evolves around a central idea that must be unique, authentic and meaningful to customers. Branding is about conveying this central idea and it must be reflected in all points of contact. This should especially be conveyed through the visual design. In other words, the logo and design must convey a strategic message, thus playing an important role in creating a brand image in the minds of people.

"Are branding and graphic design the same thing?" The truth is, yes, they go hand in hand, but in reality they are completely different, and this distinction is very important.

Graphic design is a general term for the industry, brand design is a specialisation in graphic design.

A lot of people don't understand this, which is why we see this trend of non-professional design, like substandard sites, from people who don't know what they are doing, or designers who have not developed specialised.

Acquiring a reputation isn't easy.

You should speak at design conferences, to be written about, to be interviewed in magazines. But there is one thing that can ruin a reputation.

Graphic designers can get a lot of disrespect, and many people think that any Tom or Harry with design software is capable of doing standard AAA work. Many companies often try to negotiate commissions whereby the designer is paid only a percentage of any sales generated from their work in advertising or marketing campaigns. Even worse, graphic designers are treated like musicians and are asked to work for free so that they can improve their portfolios and bring attention to the design industry. Any agency that appreciates the design of such a professional deviates from this worldview. First, they have career experience, which means they are in demand, and they always need to show the respect that other professionals show.

Any decent graphic designer will be offended by such an offer and is about to leave. The old saying goes:

"You pay pennies, you get monkeys."

Designers have spent many years honing their craft, and their own business, customers and reputation are also very important. You wouldn't ask an engineer or manager to work for a “showcase,” so don't insult your designer or your design team either.

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