IKIGAI is the ability to find satisfaction, joy and awareness in business every day. Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means a sense of one's own purpose in life.
Ikigai is a case that is at the intersection of 4 criteria:
I love doing. What you love ignites, arouses interest, curiosity and passion.
I can do it and I am good at. Abilities, knowledge, skills, experience that allow you to engage in certain areas of activity.
What I get paid for. People are ready to pay for my work and the chosen business provides my needs.
What people and World needs. The results of my activity are in demand, they satisfy the needs of other people.
The meaning of life is to enjoy every moment. The more pleasant moments, hours, days - the happier a person becomes.
Most of a person's life is occupied by work. When a person finds his ikigai, he begins to spend most of his life doing what he loves. He becomes happy. Ikigai satisfies human needs at all levels of the Maslow pyramid. When a person does what he loves, he gets positive emotions: pleasure from the process, enjoyment of the result, satisfaction from realizing the benefits of his activity, joy from improving his professional skills.
You should never put money first!
When you clearly understand what you like, what brings you pleasure, you become just a happy person. But if all the same in the first place in the head is money, then you will waste all the time of your life in vain. You will do things that you hate in order to survive in this world, just to provide for yourself a little. It's like tossing it to the brain in a jar while you work. A stupid waste of time that will get you nowhere.
As for my personal profile, it is still difficult for me to decide which industry I would like to go to. I have interested in so many things like Branding, Publication, Motion graphics. But this is a matter of time. After all, I need to learn animation and motion graphics myself using various programs that I still have to learn and practice.
I think this semester is just the time when I can learn other programs and understand what I'm more drawn to.
References :
Ikigai : Your purpose and reason for being. Barbara, B. (2017). Retrieved from https://barbarabray.net/2017/11/14/ikigai-your-purpose-and-reason-for-being/
Ikigai: A reason for being | San Diego Workforce Partnership. (2021). Retrieved 19 April 2021, from https://workforce.org/news/ikigai-a-reason-for-being/