Society has always insisted on the government and society working together to solve social problems. Only in this way can crime be reduced and society elevated to new levels. As the coronavirus pandemic spread, violence against women, particularly domestic abuse, increased dramatically, with hotline calls in certain nations jumping fivefold.
The long-term United Nation Organisation tries to end Violence Against Women campaign of the United Nations Secretary-General aims to strengthen global action to close funding gaps, provide essential services to victims of pandemic violence, and focus on prevention and data collection to strengthen the capacity of care services for women and girls. "Orange World: Funding, Response, Prevention, Data Collection!" is the theme of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in 2020. One of the most widespread, stubborn, and disastrous human rights abuses in the world today is violence against women.
According to research, 91,7% of people who took a survey think that females have the ability to protect themselves. Moreover 80% said that women can be as powerful as males are. Even if it were feasible, 60 percent of those surveyed indicated that men would still abuse the female "weaker sex" for whatever reason. Men, regardless of their physical abilities, believe that they have authority. Because it has been assumed that the female sex is weak since ancient times, and men have become accustomed to this, not taking seriously the capabilities of the female half of the population. Furthermore, there are unspoken mental issues that are concealed beneath the illusion of a strong and powerful male. Since males are entrusted with many responsibilities from childhood, such as being the caretaker of the family, earner, and family supporter. The causes of mental illnesses can be traced back to childhood. It can also lead to post-traumatic stress disorder among women as a result of a man's actions.
Shame and fear are the main reasons why women keep quiet about their difficulties and tragedies. It's a pity that people are led into such harmful and precarious situations. Women with such issues find it difficult to communicate about their concerns since they have already been silenced at home by abusers. Mentally, a barrier forms that is extremely tough to overcome. You can't sleep at night because of your fear. Fear of being punished once more and getting something even more dreadful than before.
Women must stop being silent in order to address these issues. Women must have the guts to speak up about all of their issues. They will be able to defend themselves and their family as a result. They will be morally stronger if they are able to open up and explain everything that has occurred to them. It will also assist males who have endured early moral abuse as a result of which they have gotten mental illnesses. Professional assistance is also required for such males who are unable to control their aggression. It's important to remember that every attempt to assist such individuals is a step forward in society's healing process.