5. Save Raplh
The animated short Save Ralph follows the life of a guinea pig whose parents, brothers, children and other relatives work in the laboratory. They test cosmetics on it, and Ralph takes his fate for granted - although one eye no longer sees, his ears ring, and his body itches. The protagonist even sees this as an important mission: after all, people need safe creams, deodorants and shampoos.
6. LOKi Design Company
A small independent multidisciplinary design and communication studio founded by an activist and graphic designer Kevin Lo. The company that works on social change based in Canada since 2014. They usually face with various challenging issues in the society such as politics, racism or feminism.
7. Book - Designing for social change by A. Shea
A compact, practical guide for professional graphic designers looking to start helping communities and driving social change in the world. Andrew Shea presents ten strategies for successful community engagement based on twenty real-world projects.
8. Book - Social matter, social design by J. Boelen
The authors examine the interdependence of the social and the material in modern design thinking. Discussions on social design that emphasize the role of materiality. Such graphic design involves a more subtle and complex reading of how the social is intertwined with the material.
References :
Susser, S. (2021, April 30). Save Ralph. Humane Society International. https://www.hsi.org/saveralphmovie/.
Lo, K. Y. K. (2014). LOKI Design company. LOKI. https://www.lokidesign.net/.
Shea, A., Drenttel, W., & Lupton, E. (2012). Designing for social change. New York, N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press.
Boelen, J., Kaethler, M., & Althaus, J. Social matter, social design.